Friday, June 21, 2013

Baby Gift Part II

I showed you the baby bibs I made last week, but I wanted to add a little more to the gift so I made matching burp cloths.

Just a layer of fabric, an inside layer of terry cloth, and a back layer of chenille.  Why oh why did Joanns stop carrying chenille??  I had one piece left so I was able to make these, but now I'm out.  Any suggestions on what else I could back a burp cloth with?  Or should I suck it up and order some chenille online (in which case, any good online sources I should know about?)?

Delivering these gifts to the soon-to-be mommy and daddy tomorrow night!  I hope they like them!


  1. carries chenille and has great prices, coupons and free shipping.

  2. What fun gifts! I'm sure the new mom will be thrilled!
