Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pinwheels and Propellers

I finally got my lil' twister quilt (started back in February) sewn up...

 Basted it...

Quality control gave it a through once over..

And then it was time to start quilting.  I'm calling this propeller quilting (though looking at the photo now I'm not sure how well the quilting is showing up for you, sorry).  I followed the straight line on the long side of the twister and then did a curved line from the point of the twister back to the center.  I like the movement it is creating in the quilt.  It is simple enough quilting that it is not making the quilt look too busy, which I was a little concerned about.  The only problem with the quilting is that it involves a lot of stops and starts and therefore a lot of burying threads as each pinwheel is quilting individually.  There are also a lot of color changes as I am trying to match the quilting to each fabric.  I got the white and pink pinwheels quilted yesterday and started the purple but had horrible tension issues and took that as I sign that I should be done for the day.  The purple thread was very old though (decades), could that have something to do with my tension troubles?  The white and pink threads were only a few years old and I had no problems there...

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